
Anomaly Score in Event Explorer

🔔 New feature alert! The Anomaly Score helps you determine if an account is behaving normally or not based on prior account activity.

Here's a metaphor to explain that one: if you saw a guy wearing a blue t-shirt and jeans every day for a month, you'd expect him to come in tomorrow wearing a blue t-shirt 👕 and jeans 👖. Tomorrow comes around and instead, the guy is wearing a red t-shirt 🔴 and jeans 👖. Can you be sure it's the same guy or not?

In a similar way, the Anomaly Score looks at past event history for a given account, and then determines if future events for that account are normal (score = 0) or unusual (score = 100). In fact, an Anomaly Score ≥ 75 indicates highly unusual activity that's worth digging deeper into -- and generates the Anomalous Event signal in Explorer.

Anomaly Score in Explorer

Anomaly Score in Explorer